Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Upcoming Events

I have a few things coming up in the next month or so.

This Friday, April 13th, my storytelling group is holding our annual concert. In honour of the date, we have a theme of 'Oh, So Unlucky', and we are trying out a new venue: Common Grounds Cafe. Registration is though the library:

I am also busy rehearsing for a show with St. Albert Dinner Theatre. They will be running two one-act comedies on Thurs/Fri/Sat from April 26 until May 12. I am in 'A Mad Breakfast' which is a madcap farce set in a boarding house c. 1930.
Details on that are at: http://www.stalberttheatre.com

And, as usual, Magpie Morris Dancers will be dancing at dawn on May 1st at the gazebo in Old Strathcona. We've also been invited to a couple of events later in May.